미국 대학원 A~Z/미국대학원 준비

미국 대학원 준비 (4) - 인터뷰 질문 대비, 내가 질문해야 할 것들

뽀용융 2024. 4. 26. 22:08

서류를 모두 제출하고나면 다 놓고 쉬고싶겠지만 빠르면 12월말 늦으면 2월까지 진행되는 인터뷰에 대비해야한다. 인터뷰는 딱 날짜가 정해진 것이 아니며 교수님에게 오는 경우도 있고 스탠포드처럼 커미티에게 요청이 오는 경우도 있다. 인터뷰 형식과 시간도 정해진 것이 없다. 커미티와 인터뷰를 하고 2차로 교수님과 인터뷰를 할 수도 있고, 교수님->박사과정생->교수님 이런식으로 여러번 인터뷰를 보는 경우도 있다.....인터뷰 요청이 온다면 주로 "리서치핏이 잘맞는것같은데 우리 가볍게 커피챗을 하자~" 와 같이 다가오시는 분들이 많은데, 진짜 가볍게 준비해가면 낭패를 볼 수 있다. 커피챗이라고 해서 가벼운마음으로 들어갔는데 2~3시간 인터뷰를 하시는 교수님도 더러 있으시기 때문이다. 
체력적으로 정신적으로 많이 힘들지만 인터뷰 요청이 왔다는 것은 어찌됐든 긍정적인 신호이니, 철저히 준비를 해가는 것이 좋다. 인터뷰를 몇차례 하다보면 질문을 받게되는 것들이 비슷비슷하고 어느정도 감을 잡을 수 있기 때문에 가지 않을 학교더라도 연습삼아 인터뷰를 보는 것도 나쁘지 않다. 
인터뷰를 준비할때 어떤 질문들에 대비해야하고 인터뷰를 준비할때 사용했던 예상질문 리스트와 내가 교수님/박사과정생/커미티에게 물어볼 것들을 정리해보았다. 
인터뷰에서 자주 나오는 질문 모음 [출처]

인터뷰 예상 질문 리스트

  • Motivations
    • What motivated you to apply to grad school?
    • Why do you feel prepared to start graduate school?
    • What areas of research interest you?
    • Why do you want to pursue a PhD in your area of interest?
    • Do you have any reservations/worries about entering a PhD program?
    • What are you looking to gain from your graduate school experience?
    • Why do you need a PhD to achieve your career goal?
    • Where do you see your field going in the next 5-10 years?
    • Where do you see yourself in 15 years?
    • What is unique about you that gives you a competitive edge over other applicants?
    • What mark are you hoping to make in the world?
  • Program/Institution
    • Why are you specifically drawn to this program?
    • Why do you think this program would be a good fit for you?
    • What specific resources does this institution offer to enhance your scientific trajectory?
    • How do you think your interests will fit in with the program?
    • What do you think you will contribute to the program?
    • Which faculty members’ work particularly interests you and why?
    • Have you established a relationship with one or more faculty members within the program?
    • What interests you about the city the institution is in?
    • What would make you choose this institution over other programs?
  • Previous Research
    • Please list the different research experiences you have had.
    • How many total years of research experience do you have?
    • How has your research experience prepared you for graduate school?
    • What questions did your research help answer?
    • What was your role in developing research ideas?
    • How did you manage your research project?
    • What was innovative about your research?
    • What was your favorite technique that you used in your undergraduate research?
    • What was the biggest challenge you encountered in your undergraduate research, and how did you deal with it?
    • How is your work distinct from your supervisor’s/principal investigator’s?
    • What do you think are your most significant research accomplishments?
    • What do you consider to be your best paper/work and why?
    • What has been the impact of your research?
    • Do you expect to publish before starting graduate school?
    • If you were starting your project again today, what would you do differently?
    • What are your research interests?
    • What are the big picture questions you want to investigate?
    • What are the biggest challenges/questions in your field of research?
    • How do you plan to approach your questions?
    • How do you see this work impacting the field?
    • How does the work you propose follow on from what you are already doing?
    • What skills do you want to develop at this institution?
    • Do you plan to apply for additional funding?
    • What funding opportunities are you aware of, or what would you like to apply for?
    • How would you convince a funding body that they should fund your research?
    • How would you fit with the existing activities in the department?
  • Current/Future Research
    • If we gave you unlimited resources, what would you do with them?
    • Who do would you expect to collaborate with in the institution?
    • Why do you want to collaborate with them?
    • What is an interesting paper you have read lately?
  • If you have a specific project in mind…
    • What is the overall importance of this project?
    • Can you see any of your research proposal failing?
    • What will you do if your hypothesis is proved wrong?
    • What resources will you need?
    • What opportunities for multi-disciplinary work does your research offer?
  • Potential Advisors
    • What do you want to work on in my lab?
    • What interests you about my research?
    • What do you know about my research?
    • Who are you interested in working with?
    • What techniques have you learned that you could use in my lab?
  • Teaching
    • Do you have any teaching experience?
    • How do you feel about teaching?
    • How do you feel about mentoring undergrads?
    • How would you deal with any conflict/disagreement within the research group?
    • Do you have an example of when you have had to deal with a disagreement?
  • Personal
    • What do you do in your free time (not in the lab)?
    • What motivates you?
    • What drives you as a scientist?
    • Who has influenced you the most?
    • How do you work best – independently, or with a team, at home?
    • How do your interests fit with the strengths and goals of the program?
    • What do you expect to be challenging about graduate school? What are your plans for managing those challenges?
    • Graduate school often involves a combination of intense days, long nights, and high expectations. What strategies will you use to manage this combination of demands?
    • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
    • Tell us about a time when things didn’t go the way you wanted. How did you handle it, and what did you learn from the experience?
    • Tell us about your most successful or interesting research experience in a lab environment. Which of your qualities helped facilitate this success?
    • Describe a time that you encountered a significant personal obstacle? How did you handle it?
    • Is there any information pertinent to your application that you would like to add?
    • What is something about you that you want me to know?
    • In what ways, other than research and teaching could you contribute to this department?

내가 물어볼 질문 리스트 (Questions for you to ask)

  • Questions for you to ask potential PI’s
    • I read your paper/book X. Can you tell me about your future research goals related to X? What are your current projects?
    • What research projects do you have that would be looking for graduate students?
    • What are the expectations for a graduate student in your lab?
    • Do students create their own projects or work on something already developed/in progress?
    • How is your lab organized? Do you have a lab manager, or do other members of the lab take on this role?
    • What advice would you give to a student who wants to be successful in your program? Are there any specific pitfalls to be avoided?
    • How many students do you have? Faculty-to-student ratio?
    • Do you have lab/group meetings, and what is the format of those meetings? What’s the mood of the lab?
    • How much collaboration is there within the lab?
    • How much do your students publish?
    • How often do you sent students to conferences?
    • How long, on average, do students in your lab take to complete their PhD?
    • What do students from your lab typically do after graduation?
    • What is the big picture/goal/focus/priority of the department?
    • What program do you usually use for data analysis?
    • What do you recommend me to study beforehand? (Things to read and prepare?)
    • What is the best thing about your school? How do you like there?
  • Questions for you to ask other interviewers (like program or admissions directors)
    • What are the responsibilities of grad students in this program?
    • What is the workload/time commitment?
    • Do grad students have to TA? How many terms do you TA?
    • Are students generally collaborative or competitive?
    • How big is the program? How large is the average cohort?
    • What’s the biggest strength of the program?
    • What professional development services are available?
    • How/when are students paired with advisors?
    • What does the program do if someone doesn’t find a lab to join by the deadline?
    • What is the completion rate? What are the common reasons for not completing?
    • How would you compare this program to X and Y?
    • Is there funding available for attending things like conferences or summer schools?
    • What are the career outcomes for students in this program?
  • Questions for you to ask current grad students
    • Does the environment feel more collaborative or competitive?
    • What is the funding structure/guarantee for students?
    • Is it an inclusive environment?
    • Where do you (and students in general) live?
    • What is the area around campus like?
    • Do you think the stipend reflects the cost of living?
    • Is the university helpful with finding housing?
    • How easy/difficult was the process of joining a lab?
    • Do most people join their first choice lab?
    • How much time are you expected to spend in the lab?
    • How would you describe your PI’s advising style?
    • How do you maintain a successful relationship with your advisor?
    • How regularly/quickly does your advisor publish?
    • What research are you working on?
    • How quickly were you able to start your research?
    • Is the project you’re working on what you thought you’d be doing, or has the project you’re working on gone in any unexpected directions?
    • Who is on your committee and why?
    • Would you choose this advisor if you were doing it over?
    • Do you get to attend conferences?
    • What do you think of the courses - useful content, well taught, relevant to your research/goals?
    • How easy/hard is it to customize the program?
    • What would you change about the program?
    • What kind of schedule do you work?
    • What do grad students do in their free time?
    • Do most students have a good work/life balance?
    • Do grad students in this program hang out with each other?
    • Do you know many people in grad school who regret starting it?
    • Do you know people who have left the graduate program?
    • What kind of resources does the program offer (e.g. for mental health, career development, learning new skills, etc.)?
    • Is there anything you wish you had taken into consideration when making your decision about where to attend?
    • How much time do your spend at school during the day?
    • What’s the mood/atmosphere of the lab?
    • How many work papers or conference paper do you usually write in one semester or a year?
    • How often do you participate in domestic or international conferences?
    • Does she give guidance and help in writing a paper? or does she want us to be independent and autonomous for writing it?


  • Miscellaneous questions
    • How do you know when you’re done with your PhD?
    • Your “why”: What mark are you hoping to make in the world?
    • An accomplishment that fills you with pride:
      • What have you done in the past that exemplifies your drive and skill?
    • Desired outcome: what skills? what doors do you want to unlock?
    • Preferred working style:
      • How do you like to work?
      • What tools and methodologies do you use? What tools and methodologies would you love to use in the future?
      • What are you looking for in an advisor/mentor/manager?
    • Research experience: summary of your research experience, as told through a start-to-finish accounting of one of your research projects

(번외) 합격후/Visit Day에 물어볼 질문 리스트

<교수님/phd 등에게 물어볼 필수질문 리스트>





<이 중 선별한 질문 리스트>

- To Professor

* Does advisor consider themselves as a hands-on or hands-off advisor? What's your Advising style
* How does the advisor give feedback on papers/what is their feedback style?
* How often does the advisor meet students? [1:1 or all together]
* Are there lab meetings? What other meetings you will see your advisor in a group with other people?/mood
* What progress does the advisor generally expect from a student in the course of a semester? [submission/publication pace
* What other expectations does the advisor have for their students? [time/vacation/paper/project/experiment wise]
* What are some of the projects that you and your students are currently working on?
* Do you have particular projects that you see me working on?
* Do you think our research interests are a good match?
* Are there other faculty you think I'd be a good match for?
* Do students mostly work with senior students or directly with professor?
* How many conferences are students expected to target a year? (remember pubs # submissions]
* How often do students take time off? Are there lab / department outings/events?
* Will it be acceptable/encouraged to intern at a company during the summer? [Does this change with seniority?]
* Do students often work late?
* What advice would you give to a student who wants to be successful in your program? Are there any specific pitfalls to be avoided?
* How long, on average, do students in your lab take to complete their PhD?
* What do you recommend me to study beforehand? (Things to read and prepare?)
* What is the best thing about your school? How do you like there?
* Does the environment feel more collaborative or competitive?

* 졸업에 대한 expectation이 뭔지

* 1년차 학생에게 expectation 이 뭔지

- To Students in the lab

* How easy/difficult was the process of joining a lab?
* What research are you working on?
* How quickly were you able to start your research?
* Is the project you’re working on what you thought you’d be doing, or has the project you’re working on gone in any unexpected directions?
* Would you choose this advisor if you were doing it over?
* Is there anything you wish you had taken into consideration when making your decision about where to attend?
* Does he give guidance and help in writing a paper? or does he want us to be independent and autonomous for writing it?

* 교수님 따듯한 편이니? 서포티브하니?

* 슬럼프가 왔을때 교수님이 좀 도움이되는편일까?
